Educational, Patriotic Songs
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We do not sell, trade, or rent to others the Personally Identifiable Information we collected on our site. Goods and services from Liberty Sings, including but not limited to new product information (such as new activity booklets, new patriotic program/play that may be offered), current product information, and information on events may be sent.
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This website is created in gratitude for those who came before us, for teaching and passing on to us the principles of liberty. The principles in our founding documents protect our freedoms. It is our civic duty and privilege to pass on these precious gifts to the next generation. These principles and protections don’t come automatically. Their value must be taught even though we are accustomed to reaping their benefits. We must understand how these documents protect our liberty. Benjamin Franklin stated, “It is in the realm of ignorance that tyranny begins.
© CopyRight 2022 Susan Alldredge, Liberty Sings | All Rights Reserved
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We do not sell, trade, or rent to others the Personally Identifiable Information we collected on our site. Goods and services from Liberty Sings including but not limited to new product information (such as new activity booklets, new patriotic program/play that may be offered), current product information, and information on events may be sent.
Please feel free to contact us at any time regarding your privacy and security on this site ( :